Price: Movie rentals — $5 for standard definition, $6 for HD; movie purchases — $10 to $20 in HD; TV shows — $2 to $3 per episode, with discounts for full seasons. Supported devices: Android and iOS mobile, Android TV-powered smart TVs, Chromecast, Roku, and even Apple TV devices (streamed from iPhone over AirPlay). Before you buy your movie tickets, find a movie theater by opening up an online search engine and typing "movie theaters near me." Once you hit search, select the closest theater and click on the name. When you reach the theater website, click on the movie you want to see, and select the showtime that will let you reach the theater in time. I am not really into the movie scene but there are a few movies coming out in the next few months which I really want to see, but I can't afford to see them all in the theatre, since it's quite expensive here. Is there a website which actually has new movies and offers a service like you know, pay for the movie and watch it online? I know that I could just wait for the DVD, but I don't